District Court New South Wales

Media resources

The District Court recognises the important role media organisations and their accredited representatives perform on behalf of the community in facilitating open justice. It is committed to assisting media organisations to ensure fair and accurate reporting of proceedings before the court.​

For all media enquiries, please contact the District Court's Media Unit. Please note media enquiries are not to be directed to the chambers of judicial officers.

District Court Media Manager

For media enquiries relating to other jurisdictions, please contact:

Local Court Media Unit (including Coroners Court, Dust Diseases Tribunal, Drug Court, Children's Court and NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal)

Supreme Court Media Unit (including Industrial Relations Commission, Land and Environment Court of NSW and NSW Court of Criminal Appeal)

Attending court

Accredited media representatives carrying professional identification are generally able to sit in on open court proceedings. Media must comply with legislation about the publication of court proceedings, and are not to take photographs, sound recordings and/or video recordings in courtrooms, or anywhere else within a court complex, without special permission.

Media representatives carrying professional identification are usually permitted to use electronic devices including mobile phones and laptops in court to email and take notes. All devices must be on silent and the court is not to be disrupted in any way. The use of electronic devices by media is always at the discretion of the sitting judge, who may order they not be used.

Remote dial-in access to virtual court may be available to media in some matters. Access to virtual court and the absence of technical issues cannot be guaranteed, so attending court in person is the preferred option for media representatives. For dial-in access, email the Media Unit with the case name and number.

Online court lists

The online court list allows media representatives to search for a case name, case number, location, date, jurisdiction, presiding officer and type of listing (such as trial, arraignment, judgment, etc). Cases are generally visible on the list, unless suppressed, for one week after and two weeks before the court date. For older or future matters, email the Media Unit.

The interactive online list is updated regularly during the day. There is also a NSW Court Lists app available for iOS and Android devices.

Applying for exhibits

Media representatives can apply to view documents and exhibits from court proceedings, such as the Statement of Facts, indictment or material tendered as evidence. Generally, access is granted to inspect but not copy the material, and it cannot be removed from the court registry where it is kept.

Media representatives seeking exhibits from a matter should complete the Application by Non-Party for Access to Court File form and return it to the Media Unit, for consideration by the Registrar or Judge.

Media access to court records is governed by Section 314 of the Criminal Procedures Act. The Media Unit has no say in the determination of media applications.

Filming judgments

Media representatives can apply to film judgment remarks per the Court’s Media Recording and Broadcasting of Court Judgments Policy and the District Court (Broadcasting Judgments) Act 2014. In criminal matters this means the sentencing and in civil matters this means the judgment.

Media representatives are required to submit an Application to Record/Broadcast a Judgment to the Media Unit at least 48 hours before the date of judgment, for consideration by the presiding Judge.

Images of judges

Photos of District Court judges are not automatically released into the public domain due to evolving security risks and concerns. Media representatives can request an official photo from the Media Unit which will be provided only if one is available and approved.

Photos of judges used in media reports should show them fully robed and wigged, unless otherwise approved by the Court. Media organisations are never permitted to film or photograph a judge moving outside a court complex, and should not use photos of judges prior to them being appointed to the bench.


Only parties and their legal representatives are automatically entitled to copies of transcripts from court proceedings. As a non-party to proceedings, media representatives are required to apply for transcripts under the access rules. If access is granted, the media organisation will be required to pay the relevant transcript fees. 

Applications for transcripts should first be made using the Application by Non-Party for Access to Court File form (see ‘Applying for exhibits’), then, if granted, submitted by the media representative through the Court’s online portal.


Judicial Speeches are delivered at significant events, including the swearing-in of new judges, domestic and international conferences, and retirement ceremonies.

Last updated:

26 Sep 2023

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